Orkney Tourist Guides Association
Christopher Walker
Language: English
Qualified to guide in: Orkney
Driver guide: No
Available: All year
Email: kitlindsay1980@yahoo.co.uk
Phone: 07544 872722
Website: N/A

Growing up on the Scottish Mainland, I was always fascinated by islands, I moved to Orkney in 2003, following on from family members who had moved in previous years. Half of my family are Orcadian, so I have always felt a sense of belonging here and am proud to call these islands home.
I have worked in the Orkney tourism sector since 2008, a great passion of mine. Skara Brae is one of my favourite places and I was fortunate to work there for over 8 years before pursuing tourism further in a different role. Orkney has such fascinating ancient history and I'm always keen to showcase the very best of what these islands have to offer - there is something to interest everyone.
I have been a qualified STGA Accredited Green Badge Orkney Guide since 2010. I currently work for a company called Excursions Ltd and I coordinate and operate Cruise Ship excursions for visiting ships all across Scotland. My background is in Drama and I worked in the industry for a few years after graduating from college, this eventually lead me on to guiding. I always wanted to be able to speak a foreign language and lived in France for a couple of years teaching school groups from the UK. All languages and cultures fascinate me.
My interests and hobbies include walking, cooking, spending time with family and friends and travelling amongst many others.
My main passions are - Ancient History, Orkney Food and Drink, Arts & Crafts, Islands, Nature & Orkney's Secrets. I look forward to showing you as much as possible during your visit here.